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Norbury School

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Religious Education

The R.E. curriculum at Norbury is based on the Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education in Harrow and guides pupils to celebrate the breadth of diversity within their local community. It aims to foster respect for and understanding of their own beliefs as well as those of others. It provides support for pupils to contribute actively to family life and to their communities. Its broad-question and enquiry approach enables pupils to articulate and appreciate the beliefs and cultures of our community as well as to understand how these have an impact on individuals, local communities and wider society.

These aims are reinforced by an act of daily collective worship either in school assemblies or individual classes.


In the EYFS, R.E. is taught through the Early Learning Goals and is linked to the objectives of both the Primary and Specific Areas within the EYFS Development Matters framework. In KS1 and KS2, it is taught in one timetabled weekly lesson.

Teaching and learning is structured around a 36-week year and organised into 6 week blocks or topics.

Curriculum Overview

re curriculum map.pdf

Curriculum Progression

re progression.pdf


Norbury has an extensive collection of R.E. sources of evidence including artefacts which are used in the teaching and learning of R.E. These are organised in topic boxes and stored centrally to support teachers plan and deliver engaging and stimulating lessons.

Use is also made of a variety of on-line resources such as those from the National Association of Teachers of Religious Education (N.A.T.R.E.).

Support, advice and CPD from Harrow S.A.C.R.E., the Agreed Syllabus as well as collaboration between R.E. leaders across Harrow continue to develop and enhance the RE curriculum.

Whole school themes include ‘Celebrating Cultures’ where important religious festivals such as Easter, Diwali and Eid are enjoyed and celebrated by the whole school community in special or class assemblies as well as performances.  This is reflected in the entrance of our school where a focal display celebrating our diversity is updated as each major festival or event arrives. Created and loved by the pupils, our foyer display brings alive R.E in Norbury and is a reminder that we really are a ‘world in a school’.

As a whole school activity, we created the theme of ‘Individually unique, together complete’ and pupils wrote the word ‘unique’ in their home language using various art mediums.

Our page on DB Primary allows pupils to share their thoughts and reflections about their learning, some big questions of life, and how they take part in any celebrations that are religious or secular. This generates relevant and strong pupil voice about what they feel about R.E and other cultures and beleifs around them.

Photos of RE at Norbury


Religious Education Policy:

Our Religious Education policy can be found on the Policy page.


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