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Norbury School

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At Norbury we believe that every pupil regardless of their social and economic background, religion, ethnicity or Special Education Need has the right to a high-quality education.  The high standard of education is underpinned by the school’s commitment to ensure that pupils feel nurtured and understand their rights. This is done through close partnership with our pastoral team, family and external professionals. We ensure that this is evident through the curriculum and this intent underpins every aspect of learning. Leaders, of every level, are committed to ensure that progress pupils make whilst at the school is at least good and that pupils are equipped to access the next stage of their learning.  

We aim to achieve inclusivity for all regardless of barriers to learning through implementation of early identification, adapted learning and quality first teaching. Our purpose, therefore, is setting challenging targets and developing characteristics of resilience and curiosity through a love of learning. The impact of this will be that our most vulnerable pupils will realise their full potential and flourish as inquisitive, social and responsible members of society. 


Websites which offer to support for those with special educational needs:  


Inclusion SEND Policy:

Our inclusion SEND policy can be found on the Policy page.


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