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Norbury School

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Geography at Norbury aims to inspire in pupils a curiosity and fascination about the world and its people. Teaching and learning supports them in developing their knowledge of globally significant places as well as their local, regional and national areas. This includes defining physical and human characteristics and how these provide a geographical context for understanding the world around them. It further aspires to develop their awareness of geographical processes, how these are interdependent and how they bring about variation and change over time.

By the time they leave Norbury, we aim for pupils to be confident in the geographical skills needed to collect, interpret, analyse and communicate a range of data gathered through experiences of fieldwork. They should be comfortable in using maps, diagrams, globes, aerial photographs and Geographical Information Systems (GIS).

To support the school’s wider ethos of developing active and responsible citizens, consideration for environmental issues and sustainability run through the entire curriculum.


In the EYFS, Geography is taught through the Early Learning Goals and is linked to the objectives of both the Primary and Specific Areas within the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework. The most relevant being ‘Understanding the World’.

In KS1 and KS2, it is taught in a timetabled weekly lesson.

Teaching and learning is structured around a 36-week year and organised into 6 week blocks or topics.

Curriculum Overview

geography curriculum overview.pdf

 Curriculum Progression

geography progression document.pdf


Norbury has an extensive collection of resources (OS maps, compasses, globes, atlases and a range of digital resources such as an OMI room and Digi-maps for Schools software) which are used to support teaching and learning in Geography. Pupils are immersed in the geographical topic at hand and consistently encouraged to make links to, and build upon, previous learning. Where possible, a cross-curricular approach enables them to reinforce and enrich their understanding (links to Art and D.T. projects for example).

Through the school’s virtual platform, DB Primary, use is also made of a variety of on-line resources such as those from the Geographical Association and pupils are set project work to reinforce their Geographical learning.


Fieldwork is an integral part of the Geography provision at Norbury. It should offer pupils the opportunity to experience first-hand some of the fundamental skills of the subject as well as reinforce their understanding of their class-based learning. Fieldwork is used by pupils as a tool throughout the curriculum to continuously evaluate their questions and explore different aspects of the curriculum.

Photos of Geography at Norbury



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