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Technology is now part of everyday life and is essential to our lives at home and at work. Computing lessons at Norbury try to equip students with the skills, knowledge and understanding they will need so that they can participate in this ever changing digital world, confidently, responsibly, respectfully and safely. 


Our computing curriculum is divided into three core areas: Computer Science, Information Technology and Digital Literacy. Topics within these areas are revisited and built upon yearly so that knowledge and skills are recalled and developed further.

In KS1 and KS2, Computing is taught in a timetabled weekly lesson. Lessons are adapted from multiple resources including The National Centre for Computing Education's Teach Computing, Microbit Education Foundation and Scratch MIT.


Lessons are also developed to link in with learning from other subjects, for example:

  • Year 1 have been practising their mouse and keyboard skills by writing and drawing their favourite parts of the Lighthouse Keeper's Cat book that they read in English.
  • Year 3 use Scratch to program geometric shapes and use repetition to create geometric artwork. These lessons are linked to their lessons on shapes and angles in Maths.
  • Year 4 use Scratch to program quiz games so that they can practise their multiplications. 
  • Year 5 students program micro:bits to count the number of buses and cars on a local road and use the data collected to answer questions related to their Science and Geography lessons.
  • Year 6 link their creative and core skills topics to both DT and History by researching and designing 3D models of WWII shelters on CAD software and then creating physical models out of a range of materials.
  • Year 6 combine their knowledge of electricity from Science lessons with Physical Computing and History. Circuits are created with micro:bits, foil and crocodile clips and then programmed to send and receive Morse code messages.

Online Safety Lessons

We are committed to ensuring our children develop into great digital citizens. Online safety is integrated into lessons throughout the year, both in Computing and PSHE.

As a rights respecting school, our children learn that they have rights online that should be respected and a responsibility to behave online in a manner that they themselves would like to be treated.

"Children have the right to enjoy childhood online, to access safe online spaces, and to benefit from all the opportunities that a connected world can bring to them.” – Education for a Connect World Framework

As part of our Computing curriculum all children follow an Online Safety Scheme of Work which focuses on eight key topics identified in the Education for a Connected World framework.

  • Self image and identity
  • Online relationships
  • Online reputation
  • Online bullying
  • Managing online information
  • Health, well-being and lifestyle
  • Privacy and security
  • Copyright and ownership

These topics are revisited each year so that children can build on prior knowledge and understanding to become safe, respectful and responsible digital citizens of our world.

We adapt and use resources from SWGFL Project Evolve, NCA’s CEOP Education programme, Childnet, National Online Safety and Internet Matters.

In school we have clear rules about using digital devices and these are displayed in every classroom.

Find out more about safeguarding at Norbury - Online Safety

Photos of Computing at Norbury

 Curriculum Overview

computing overview.pdf

 Curriculum Progression

computing progression.pdf


At Norbury, we are well resourced with a ICT suite of 31 Windows computers, interactive white boards and visualisers in every classroom and a class set of Samsung tablets. All teachers have a laptop and a camera. Children with SEND or EAL needs are provided with tablets or laptops to support their learning.

Students have the opportunity to use a wide range of software and apps including Microsoft Office, j2e Coding, Busythings, Scratch, MakeCode, TinkerCAD, Audacity, Musescore, Chrome Music Lab and Video Editors. Students also have access to programmable tools like micro:bits, beebots and in clubs, Lego WeDo and Mindstorms robotic kits.

We also have an interactive Immersive Room to support learning in all subjects.

Pupils are supported and challenged in every lesson and after school clubs are offered to extend learning opportunities.

Our online virtual learning platform (VLE) DB Primary, has communities for each year group with information about each subject studied. Computing and Online Safety have their own communities providing resources, activities and challenges to support and extend learning outside the classroom.

We have a dedicated Computing Team – IT Manager and Computing Lead/IT Technician who maintain the school devices, security, website and VLE. Our Computing Lead also supports teachers and students when learning in the ICT suite.


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