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Norbury School

Contact Us

Report an Absence or Late Attendance

Contact the school before 8.30AM on 020 8863 8769 to report an absence or a lateness.  Please provide the child’s names, class and reason for absence.
You can also email attendance register@norbury.harrow.sch.uk

Students are expected to be in school for registration at 8:30AM, if your child is going to be late please remind them that they must sign in at the Reception so we know they are on site. If they have an appointment please let us know in  advance,  and ensure your child is signed  out by the Office team  before they leave.

General Enquiries

Norbury School
Welldon Crescent,

Tel: 020 8863 8769
Email: office@norbury.harrow.sch.uk Attn of The School Manager Ms L. Wilkins.



 Request for Paper Copies

Should you require a paper copy of the information on our website, please ask at the school office, where we will take details of your request and provide copies as soon as possible.


School Lets

The School is regularly used for private lettings for various events throughout the year.

For more information on hiring the school’s facilities please contact the School Office.